Thursday, 24 June 2010

The student protest

Today i am going to talk about a very particular picture to me. This picture was taken on 24th April am year 2008.

This picture was taken by a photograph that works for the newspaper “La Tercera”. The image shows a young – Luis Silva, the ex-president of the Student Center “Cecso” (Centro de estudiantes de Ciencias Sociales) – who is being arrested by 2 polices, against the bars of the Law Faculty. In the picture we can also see water falling, this water became from the policial vehicle. This vehicle is also known as the “Guanaco”, and is always used by the police during the different protest. This water that the Guanaco throw is not just only water, this water has also “tear gas”. This gas makes that the people cry, and man can´t breathe.

This picture was taken in the context from the successive protest from the 2008 year. This year the student’s organization had a very good quality (but not that good and massive as in the 2006 year), in meetings were together students from the school and the university, and they were organized against the privatization from the state-funded education.

I was in this demonstration too, and I was arrested too. This was my first time detained, and it was very very bad. We were in the front of the Law Faculty and we were thousands of student. Even though we were quiet, suddenly the Guanaco starts to throw water with tear gas. I became in my face this water ad I couldn’t see anything. At the same time, the Student Center from the Law Faculty CLOSED the door from the Faculty, and I with thousand from students were outside, we couldn’t breathe and we were also wet. At this moment, I felt as two big monkeys (two polices) caught me from behind, I couldn’t see anything and rapidly I was in the police vehicle, with Luis and other students from my Faculty.

We were 6 hours arrested. I like this picture because it shows a very intense moment from a very big demonstration. That day 200 students were arrested.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Body Lenguage

Today I am going to talk about a very interesting matter, the study of the Body Language.
The study of the Body Language is also known as “Kinesics”, and study the non-verbal part of the human communication.

The mains topics from this study are:
- The postures
- The gestures and facial expressions
- The proxemics
- The looks (eye contact)

Each one of these topics is a very extensive area to study. Today exist a TV series called “Lie to me” that is inspired in the work of the psychologist Paul Ekman, and he is consider one of the 100 hundred psychologist more important from the XX century. Paul Ekman is a specialist in the study from the facial expressions and the relation with the emotions. He said that some expressions are universal in the humanity, not a cultural thing. Another studious from the gestures is the anthropologist Ray Birdwhistell.

Since a few months I have studied this theme, and is have been very useful to me and I learned very interest things. Now can I (to?) say that is possible to me “know” how is the personality of someone broadly speaking, with only speak a few minutes with the person. Is very useful too, know that exist some gesture to indicate when someone fells attraction from me (or anyone), but I am not going to write about this gesture because I don’t have many word to write hahaha.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Los Prisioneros

“Los Prisioneros was one of the main rock band from Chile during de 80` and is by many people consider as the most important from the Chilean rock. Los Prisioneros was many time my favorite music band until I had the Basque group “La Polla Records” listen.
Los Prisioneros was a band very famous until now in a lot of countries in Sudamerica, and here in Chile exist many fans but they had many troubles with the Chilean press. That was because the lyrics from the songs, those are very critic with the press and the economical and political system. This is why they are hatred by many powerful people.
The integrants of the band where: Jorge Gonzalez, the voice and guitarist; Claudio Narea, the bassist and Miguel Tapia the drummer. They went to the same school in San Miguel, Santiago, and when they had 17 years they started to play music.
The songs where so famous in Sudamerica because the lyrics where very critical with the Sudamerican dictators (principally Pinochet) and many songs have a social content.
In 1991 they split up, because they had “romantic” problems, as usually, a woman separate music’s band that’s shame. In 2001 they were together, but in year 2004 they split up, once again because the problems between Gonzalez and Narea.

Here a song:

Thursday, 13 May 2010

What should I do?

I write this post today because I want to receive help from you. I have a big dilemma and it´s very important to me to decide what to do.

As you already know I am from Punta Arenas and I see not very oft my family that lives in that city. As I suppose that you already know, I am a big big big fan from the football team Universidad de Chile. I am a member from the club and I go to the stadium every week that “la U” plays in Santiago, and when I have the money and the time, I also rise to other cities from Chile to see my team. I am a member too of the “barra Los de Abajo”, and I saw la U play in Punta Arenas, in Santiago, in Valparaiso, Viña del Mar, Talca and El Salvador, a little town from the 3rd region from the north of Chile.

My dilemma is that, “la U” plays next week am 20th May the quarterfinals of the “Copa Libertadores”, and THE SAME DAY, I have a flight to Punta Arenas, and my Mother have already buy the ticket, by the way, that is not cheap. I am crazy, I know that, but..

What should I do???? Please help me!!!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Karl Marx

Today I`am going to talk about Karl Marx. Karl Marx is a person that I admire for many reasons.

Karl Marx is consider today like one of the three “Fathers of the Sociology” (with M. Weber and E. Durkheim).

He was an intellectual, philosopher, lawyer, and a theoretical revolucionary.

During his life, he wrote many articles in different Magazines, he wrote many essay and books about his ideas and theorys of the Human Society, the History and his development. Also Karl Marx founded with Fiedrich Engels the “International Working Men`s Association” also known as the “First International”, the first association in the world that get workers from the whole world together in a revolucionary organization.

Karl Marx studied the Human Society, studied the History oh the humanity and his progress, and also he studied in a very detailed way the Capitalism. Marx have invented many interesting concept, like class struggles, base, superestructure, superplus value, alienation, and more.

A very famous phrase that Marx had wrote in the Communist Manifiesto is: “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles

His life and his ideas inspired many many people to fight against the misery of Capitalism, and inspired the bigest revolution of the 20th century, the Russian revolution.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

My last Summer

Today I am going to talk about my last Summer. I was born I’m Punta Arenas, my family lives there and I travel every opportunity I have.
The last days of December I spent the time with my family at home during the days, and during the nights I went out to Party’s almost every day hahaha with my school friends.
The last days of January I went with my best friends to “Torres del Paine”, a beautiful and fantastic National Park of the XII region. It travels people from many many countries. I think that if you are a Chilean person, this is a place that you must know during your life, because the landscape is simply wonderful. This was the third time that I went to that place, but this year I complete the whole circuit to last 5 days to foot.
The first days of February I travel with my family to Chiloe, a gorgeous place to visit to. We spent 2 weeks on the island, we knew a lot of nice people there.

The South of Chile is splendid!

Thursday, 22 April 2010

My experience with the earthquake


today I`am going to talk about my experience (or no-experience) with the earthquake of 27 februar. I have all ready says that I was born in Punta Arenas. My familiy live in that place since many years, and I miss the city a lot. That is way I fly every hollydays, in Sommer and Winter to Punta Arenas. How you can imagine, I was in that city during the earthquake, and that`s why I didn`t feel anything of the earth tremor. At the hour of the earthquake (3:34), as I am a good boy and I don´t partying, I was all ready sleep! I just knew about the chilean earthquake when I did wake up, at 11:00 mornings.

Anyway, part of my family lives in Talca, and when I knew about the big new I was very worried about them and my family of Santiago. When I was back in Santiago I went to help with food to the FECH. I also plan the next weekend to Curico rise with the fans of Universidad de Chile (barra Los de Abajo), there wi are going to help building houses for the people more affected.

I learn that we should remember that we are a not a special species, we are an animal species as all the other ones, and we depend totaly of the condition of the Earth.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

About me

Hi, My name is Pablo Barrientos, I was born in Punta Arenas, and I´m 20 years old. I study Sociology in the Universidad de Chile. This is my first post, and is my first activity in this English class. I went to a German School im Punta Arenas, so ocationaly I speak by mistake in German, so I hope that you understand me if I write not to good.
I have many hobby`s, I play chess, tenisstable, I love punk, hiphop and reggae music, I love Party`s and I am a big fan of the football club "Universidad de Chile", I go every week to the Stadium to see it.

good bye!!
Pablo B.

graiting abaut nathin :P

Thursday, 15 April 2010

primer post de prueba
